Pulling a “45”
The optimism I had in regard to my showing last Monday has been tempered somewhat by the actual scores that emerged from the night. I didn’t realize how far I was slipping in the judges scorecards and my dynamic, gut-wrenching rendition of my final poem only generated a so-so score as opposed to the amazing score I had alluded to. Just throwing this out so it can be part of the actual record. I don’t want to be looking back at this journal and seeing some historically incorrect entries.
I am still happy with my performance both the good and bad of it. Which is kinda rare for me, at this point of the game I should be deflating myself and going over all the negatives but I accomplished what I wanted to—making the Semis. The experience is crazy and there is no way that it could be duplicated under any other conditions and while I had a tough match I am truly happy that I was able to put my poems to the test.
The optimistic viewpoint is that I will continue developing as a writer and have enough poems in my arsenal to be able to rock out in a future slam. Which is leading to the semi-retirement of both “Mercy on the Battlefield” and “Ceviche” poems. Unless, I have a feature, I don’t see myself using either any time soon. Time to put “Canto” & “Capicú” to the test at different open mics and not just be the guy that does the Salsa poem. Hope I can live up to this claim. Don’t want to be pulling a Jordan and retiring and unretiring all the time.
Another residual positive is some of the really constructive advice I have been getting in regard to my stage persona. I’ve received a few tips, here and there, and I do believe I will be putting them to the test.
Two new poems got birthed today and I’m going to flesh them out lovely to see how well they work into the scenario. (Tentaive titles- “Love Poem Request” & “Corner Shouts”) All this is coming from the two workshops I’m taking. Looking at my work SO differently now. One of my exercises revolves around copying someone’s style as your own. I could go the easy way and do a Baca poem, especially since “Canto” is kinds my attempt to do a JSB style poem but I think I may look elsewhere for some inspiration. Maybe Tony Medina or some other more socially conscious writer. Hey, I know who! I’ll go over Martin Espada’s book and see what I can grab. Either would do but I’m feeling Espada just a but more. You never know, I could get my ever elusive “Political Poem” out of this.
For something different, check out Elmore Leonard’s “Cuba Libre.” It’s just a plain novel but sometimes that’s good. Too much poetry will catch up to you after a while.