let’s reflect on some random shit that will mean nothing except to those who actually speak with me.
-starting a movement means shit if that movement is dead.
-it may take a village to raise a child but only a press agent to make a griot.
-there is bad poetry in this world, nothing has convinced me otherwise.
-if my life was being shown in a movie theatre, i would duck out the back.
-i would read all the reviews.
-being the cornerstone of a movement that is dead is kinda like winning the cookie game, tu sabes?
-i am being pulled in too many directions.
-focus is a motherfucker but success is like getting with the prom queen.
-i need to change the color scheme to this blog.
-there goes three weeks of my life.
-i still refuse to post anything about my life on this blog.
-what the fuck did chuito de bayamon sing about?
-“fester/like culture”
-“radio wado was the soundtrack and you didnt know why”
-“all we have is gated minds”
-“tracy towers/a world away”
-“read like a POET”
-if i dont write this father poem, ima burst.
-workshops will save my life.
-poetry wont
-yes, i know it’s 17 syllables.
-see, see, see. yeah but you can show it too me.
-teaching is a bitch but a damn good poem is like getting with a first night stripper.
-the following poem is about (and 5 minutes pass), let me start, (3 minutes pass), thank you
-cheryl’s rants are quite contagious.
-yep, still convinced about that bad poetry thing.
-mattingly shoula waited till torre left.
-ima miss zim.
-the sax goes way better with poetry than the drum.
-bass is sexy.
-everyone may be a poet but can they produce a poem.
-use the comment section.
-more than zim, i miss the honda.
-how many times can a person fuck up before they exhaust all their chances?
and that’s that. next time, i’ll stick to reviewing venues.