Soundtrack: Stevie Wonder’s Greatest Hits
i am on some kind of endorphin high from last nights synonymus show
best part- i was not on my A game BUT no one seemed to really notice
which is a great thing. its very tiring when you imagine that the
show runs entirely on how you feel.
at one point, marianna was supposed to go on stage and ray hands me
the “shock sheet” sayin’ “john goes next” ok… thats how it goes…
i may be the host but synonymus is rays puppy, ya know?… so i pull
out john’s bio and that suckha is a full page of Time New Roman single
spaced 10 point font… (!)…. so i start crackin a lil wise and go
with the off the top of the dome intro…
later on in the night i am all set to intro patricia smith (cue the
drumroll!) when ray hands me another “shock sheet”… “lets take a 5
min break”… okey dokey
for me being a host is all about the unexpected and dealing with it
with grace and a smile so i was all kinds of happy that all the
curveballs led to home runs… note, i still hate hecklers and when ya
see me take the deep breath to announce the next person- keep yo 2
cents to yaself…
show tonight at NYU with manny xavier… show at 13 next month with
cheryl boyce taylor… acentos tuesday… bar13 feature in january…
living for the city,