BNN Update…

Live from El Mudo Cesar’s porch comes this news…


SATURDAY, APRIL 16th AT 10:00pm
$12 Cover ($10 with Flyer)

in other chinche, last night was the martin espada workshop. it was not cheap but it was worth every penny. the man came through with a simple game plan that ended up producing three new poems out of me. all of which look like they may survive with a lil bit of editing and proper critique from my crack team (that line was lazy/repetitive/poor word choice/if this was the last poem you ever spoke, would you want THAT to be your end line). the power of the workshop, for me, had more to do with gaining some respect from martin than anything else. over the last four years, i have met quite the motley crue of poetry folk and – for the most part – i have been able to approach them all as the normal oxygen breathing humans they are. the one major exception, martin. every time i tried to conversate with him it seemed to always end in disaster. last night put an end to that.

we had a four hour writing workshop that seemed shorter than most reality shows. we started with formal intros and acentos got the FAT shout out. huzzah! from there we got to the meat of the matter, did our hard poetic work and then you know whats next- the afterparty.chowdown! this one was at one of k-town’s many 24 hour spots. mad food, mad laughs and the worlds best non.heterosexual.poetic.blowjob joke (DING! the inside joke bell) then off to the nuyo open room (we were VERY fuckin close to gettin martin to hit the open with us, maybe next time) this was a hella fun open room were i got to drop one of the new poems that came from the workshop-

hatah in da house! in fact, EVERYONE dropped the new hotness on the open- rich, ed, sofia and omar. so what to do after a rip roaring wild time at the nuyo? enter “son.of.afterparty.chowdown”! we dipped to ed & jeanies where we had homemade pupusas, peanut butter ice cream pir, fresh coffee, chocolate biscotti and venison! (i’m joking about the venison) we cracked up – REAL HARD – till the sun came up and thats when i realize that i am AGAIN on 24 hours straight and the best est part- i have to be at work in 90 minutes. so here i am, tyoing away like mad, cuz one day, a few years from now, i will read this shit and laugh and cry (DING!) over the fun that is harder to shake than a wolverine nippin at yo heels (DING!)

off to PIANOS fro jane lecroy and then PEOPLES LOUNGE for anietra and then (who knows?) i may even get some sleep

signing off from el rincon sin sueno, this is your local BNN correspondent

profe, back to you at amiri baraka’s basement (DING!)

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