Spider-Man: One More Day TPB by J. Michael Straczynski
Rating: 1 of 5 stars
Speaking of rehasin’: I was happy to see the black costume come back but sad to know that it really only happened because of the Spider-Man 3 movie tie-in which I’m sure was a call from the Marvel powers-that-be.
The same powers-that-be (cough, Joe Quesada, cough) who contributed lousy artwork to this series (I could barely recognize Spidey in most of the panels and most of the covers were just awful) and whose idea of ending Peter and MJ’s marriage will add nothing to the Spider-Lore.
A nice touch with the Stan Lee afterword and his justification of the ultimate retcon, but while I dig Stan’s point of view, I still can’t get back my time from what was a lazy, clumsy, and disrespectful send-off to one of the best writers Marvel has recently worked with.