Media Monster

I have officially blown my full media budget for the month but have scored some real gems for the Loft Library.

I’ve been anxiously waiting for the finale of Brian Vaughan and Pia Guerra’s maxi-series for a while but have held off on buying the last two installments until I could purchase them collectively at Berkeley’s Comic Relief–our favorite comic book stop. All my poetry reading is going on pause until I find out how this great story of a world with only one man left on it ends. I am crossing my fingers that Vaughan and Guerra can deliver the goods.

Thanks to a 20% sale, we made out like bandits at Half-Price books and picked up a nice combo of hard-to-find and very necessary titles at a (relative) bargain.
Lotera Cards and Fortune Poems: A Book of Lives by Juan Felipe Herrera with illustrations by Artemio Rodriguez
Can’t have enough Juan Felipe in the library.

Legends from Camp by Lawson Fusao Inada
I’ve been diggin Inada’s contribution to How Much Earth: An Anthology of Fresno Poets and his great feel for music and words. Barb’s been reading Drawing the Line and telling me great things about it so I am completely sold.

My Father Was a Toltec by Ana Castillo
Recommended long ago to me by Patricia Smith. ’nuff said.

Against Forgetting. Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness (Carolyn Forché, Editor)
A must have anthology. I’ve referred to the “Repression and Revolution in Latin America” countless times. Now, without having read the Editor’s Introduction, and only leafing through the Table of Contents (like most casual reader would) I have one serious question: Why are there no Vietnamese or Korean poets in the “War in Korea and Vietnam” section?

The Leroi Jones/Amiri Baraka Reader by Amiri Baraka (William J. Harris, Editor)
Baraka’s growth and development from Beat Poet to Black Arts Movement to His-Own-Damn-Category continues to be one of my persistent poetic obsessions.

Cosmic Canticle (a poetic work translated by John Lyons) by Ernesto Cardenal
Hardcover! What?!
I swear I wasn’t gonna buy any new poetry but the second I was this on the shelf and that promise went out the window.

The Mummy Collector’s Set DVD
Picked up at Rasputin’s for $7.99. What can I say– I love me a good popcorn movie and these three are just good old fashion action fun. Word.

It’s a good thing I didn’t hit Rasputin’s Salsa section (Sunny told me there was a ton of Fania CDs going for cheap) cuz this post would have twice as long and my pocket that much emptier.

So anybody else picked up some good media lately?

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  1. how come you always find good stuffs at half price! i never find anything there!!!


  2. Ha, ha. The secret, mon ami, is simple: Two heads are better than one. Barb starts at Agüeros and I start at Zukofsky and we meet in the middle then wrap around again to make sure we don’t miss no hidden gems.

    I will also, on occasion, hip-check a lit-crit mofo who may be in the way of some good poesia ;-)

  3. those lit crit mofos deserve what’s coming to em!

    it marvelous to muse that you two meet in the middle at marianne moore.

    do you whisper to each other, “i, too, dislike it” :)


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