Native American Studies Speaker Series, 2008-09
Indigenous Writing Across Time and GenreJanet McAdams
Monday, Oct. 13
Open Mic with Janet McAdams
5-7 p.m. Morrison Library, UC Berkeley Campus
Co-sponsored by Lyric and Achiote PressTuesday, Oct. 14
Lecture: “The Poet-Critic, The Native Writer”
2 p.m. 554 Barrows HallJanet McAdams is the author of two collections of poetry, Feral (Salt, 2007) and The Island of Lost Luggage (Arizona, 2000), which won the Diane Decorah First Book Award from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas and the American Book Award. With Geary Hobson and Kathryn Walkiewicz, she is editing the anthology, The People Who Stayed: Southeastern Indian Writing after the Removal (Oklahoma, in press). New projects include Red Weather, a novel about the sterilization of Indian women in the 1970s, a memoir, Not too Sane: Art and the Romance of Suffering, and a third collection of poetry, The Lookout Book. Janet edits Earthworks, a book series from Salt Publishing focusing on indigenous poetry. Her poems have been published in North American Review, Poetry, TriQuarterly, Women’s Review of Books, Kenyon Review, and other magazines. She teaches at Kenyon College, where she is the Robert P. Hubbard Professor of Poetry. In addition to teaching creative writing, environmental literature, and indigenous literature, she is a practitioner and teacher of Integral Yoga.
Big ups to C St Perez for the info on this reading.