I Speak of the City: Common with the Last Poets

if you want the made-for-tv version of the video (with kanye west doing the hook) you can view it here but i’m feeling this live version with umar bin hassan of the last poets.

the lines from the last poets are posted below.

The Corner

We congregated, we overstated,
We underrated, we educated,
The corner was our time when times stood still
And gators and snake-skins and pink and yellow
And colored blue profiles glorifying

The corner was our magic, our music, our politics
Fires raised as tribal dancers and
war cries broke out on different corners
Power to the people, Black power, Black is beautiful

The corner was our Rock of Gibraltar, our Stonehenge
Our Taj Mahal, our monument,
Our testimonial to freedom, to peace and to love
Down on the corner

© The Last Poets from Common’s “The Corner”

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