To the Break of Dawn: And on and on…

Red Room's Book of the Day: To the Break of Dawn

Many thanks to Red Room for choosing To the Break of Dawn as their “Book of the Day” for August 6th.  It’s quite an honor and validates my decision to continue collecting my poems in chapbook form; partly to just get the poems out of my system, partly to get the attention of editors, but mostly to the share them among my personal network via gift economy.

With that said, I’ve already started to receive quite the bounty of artistic trade from the new chapbook.  Here’s what I’ve gotten so far:

I’m very grateful to all the folks who have shared these items from their libraries.  It’s always a great treat to have a peer share his/her work with me.  It’s also fun to see what folks are willing to swap when they either don’t have a book in print or I already have all their work.  One of my favorite exchanges was with a non-writer who really wanted to support my work and was looking for a copy of Heaven Below. They dug through their whole backpack and emerged with a copy of John Legend’s Evolver. “Is this ok?” Hell yeah, I said, and happily traded with ’em.

The call is still out, anyone interested in trading something from your media library for a copy of one of my chapbooks— Holler at me!

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